Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I'm actually getting RSS

I can't believe I just cruised through this assignment. It's true what they say about "practice makes perfect". O.K. So many of my attempts were not perfect, but it's definitely been easier maneuvering through all these new websites and I'm actually retaining most of the information. All these sites are so new to me. I never knew they were out there...let alone knew how to use them. This whole exercise has really given me a lot to think about. I just wish I had more time to spend on my computer.

1 comment:

krl2pt0 said...

Up until a couple of months before we started krl2pt0, i had only heard of many of these sites myself. a lot of this has been new learning for me as well.

the exciting thing is that one thing kind of just leads to another, a big ever-expanding web.

the scary thing is that it is a big ever-expanding web.....

i'll be interested to hear what you think when we reach the end and you reflect back on what you know at that point compared to when you started.

You're almost half-way through -- congratulations!
Bob C.